Class 12 Integration by parts


Mathematics Integration Level: Misc Level

Integerate the following by parts by using ILATE.
I = inverse trigonometric
L = logarithmic
A = algebraic
T = trigonometric
E = exponential

\int x Sinx dx



Mathematics Integration Level: Misc Level

Integerate the following by parts by using ILATE.
I = inverse trigonometric
L = logarithmic
A = algebraic
T = trigonometric
E = exponential

\int xSin3xdx


Mathematics Integration Level: Misc Level

Integerate the following by parts by using ILATE.
I = inverse trigonometric
L = logarithmic
A = algebraic
T = trigonometric
E = exponential

\int xCos2xdx


Mathematics Integration Level: Misc Level

Integerate the following by parts by using ILATE.
I = inverse trigonometric
L = logarithmic
A = algebraic
T = trigonometric
E = exponential

\int \left ( e^{logx}+Sinx \right )Cosxdx


Mathematics Integration Level: Misc Level

Integerate the following by parts by using ILATE.
I = inverse trigonometric
L = logarithmic
A = algebraic
T = trigonometric
E = exponential

\int \frac{x^{2}tan^{-1}x}{1+x^{2}}dx



Mathematics Integration Level: Misc Level

Integerate the following by parts by using ILATE.
I = inverse trigonometric
L = logarithmic
A = algebraic
T = trigonometric
E = exponential

\int e^{2x}Sinxdx=I


Mathematics Integration Level: Misc Level

Integerate the following by parts by using ILATE.
I = inverse trigonometric
L = logarithmic
A = algebraic
T = trigonometric
E = exponential

\int \frac{xCos^{-1}x}{\sqrt{1+x^{2}}} dx


Mathematics Integration Level: Misc Level

Integerate the following by parts by using ILATE.
I = inverse trigonometric
L = logarithmic
A = algebraic
T = trigonometric
E = exponential

\int tan^{-1}\big( \frac{3x-x^{3}}{1+3x^{2}}\big) dx=I


Mathematics Integration Level: Misc Level

Integerate the following by parts by using ILATE.
I = inverse trigonometric
L = logarithmic
A = algebraic
T = trigonometric
E = exponential

\int Cos\sqrt{x}dx


Mathematics Integration Level: Misc Level

Integerate the following by parts by using ILATE.
I = inverse trigonometric
L = logarithmic
A = algebraic
T = trigonometric
E = exponential

\int x^{3}tan^{-1}(x^{2})dx=\int x^{2}tan^{-1}xdx

Displaying 1-10 of 22 results.