Physics Modern Physics Level: Misc Level
Electric forces within an atomic nucleus tend to
A.hold it together.
B.push it apart.
C.neither of these.

Physics Modern Physics Level: Misc Level
X-rays of wavelength 10.0 pm are incident on a target. Find the wavelength of the x- rays scattered at (a)45.0% (b)90.0%.

Physics Modern Physics Level: Misc Level
If the shortest wavelength produced by an x-ray tube is 0.46 nm, what is the voltage applied to the tube?

Physics Modern Physics Level: Misc Level
The minimum energy required to remove an electron from a metal is 2.60 eV. What is the longest wavelength photon that can eject an electron from this metal?

Physics Modern Physics Level: Misc Level
The isotope Cesium-137, which has a half life of 30 years, is a product of nuclear power plants. How long will it take for this isotope to decay to about one-sixteenth its original amount?

Physics Modern Physics Level: Misc Level
A particle (mass=2.0 mg, charge=-6.0 uC) moves in the positive direction along the x axis with a velocity of 3.0 km/s. It enters a magnetic field of (2.0i+3.0j+4.0k)mT.What is the acceleration of the particle?
a.(36j-27k) m/s2
b.(-36j+27k) m/s2
c.(-24j+18k) m/s2

Physics Modern Physics Level: Misc Level
An electron needs 2.2 eV to escape from a potassium surface.If ultraviolet light of wavelength 350 nm falls on the potassium surface, what is the maximum KE of the emitted electrons?

Physics Modern Physics Level: Misc Level
After 4,800 years, how much of an original sample of 1.5 grams of radium (half- life=1,600 years) will remain?

Physics Modern Physics Level: Misc Level
Actinium- 220 (atomic number 89)undeergoes two successive negative beta decays. Find the atomic number, mass number,and chemical name of resulting nucleus.

Physics Modern Physics Level: Misc Level
In nuclear fission, a nucleus of uranium -238, which contains 92 protons, divides into two smaller spheres, each having 46 protons and a radius of 5.9x10^-15 m. What is the net force on this pair of molecules? (electrical and gravitational)

Physics Modern Physics Level: Misc Level
From the total energy release in a typical uranium fission dtermine approximately how many meV are realeased by each (nuchon uranium or proton ) when we assume that eacdh nucleon releases the same amant of energy.

Physics Modern Physics Level: Misc Level
In Lewis structures, the atomic symbol represents
a. valence electrons
b. atomic number
c. the nucleus & inner- shell electrons
d. a stable of electrons

Physics Modern Physics Level: Misc Level
the correct symbol for a copper atom that has lost 2 electrons is
a. Co+
b. C2-
c. Cu2+
d. Cu2-

Physics Modern Physics Level: Misc Level
What is the de Broglie wavelength of an electron, M=1x10-31 kg which has been accelerated across a potential difference of 800 volts?

Physics Modern Physics Level: Misc Level
Construct an energy-level diagram for doubly ionized lithium L2+