Physics Gravitation Level: Misc Level
A full moon is just now rising. What time of day is it?
Physics Gravitation Level: Misc Level
What are the units for the constant G used in Newtons law of universal gravitation?
Physics Gravitation Level: Misc Level
An object weights 20N on Earth.What is its aproximate mass?
Physics Gravitation Level: Misc Level
Two artificial satellites are in circular orbits about the Earth, which of the two will be moving faster in its orbit?
Physics Gravitation Level: Misc Level
The mass of an apple on the Earth is 0.2 kg On the moon. the mass of the same apple would be?
Physics Gravitation Level: Misc Level
If you have a mass of 70 kilograms on earth what will your mass be on the moon. The moon has an acceleration of gravity of 1.7 m/s2. (70 N,70 Kg, or none of these)
Physics Gravitation Level: Misc Level
According to Newtons Law of Gravitation, if the distance between two bodies is doubled the attracive force between them becomes. (twice as large, half as large, four times as large, one quarter as large or unchanged.
Physics Gravitation Level: University
Orbital VelocityA newly found planet with a density of 4850kg/m^3 has no atmosphere and is orbited by a low altitude satellite with an orbital speed of 3.55 km/s. What is the mass of the planet?
Physics Gravitation Level: University
Planetory MotionA plnet moves in an ell ptical orbit about a star under the action of gravitational force.
(a) List the conserved quantities for this system.
(b) Suppose the closest approach the planet makes to the star occur at A a distance 10^7 m and the father most approach occurs at B a distance of 3 x 10^7 m. If the planets speed at A is 10^4 m/s, What is its velocity at B?
(c) Which of the conserved quantities listed in part (a) can you calculate numerically with the intormation given in part (b) ?
Question Diagram
Physics Gravitation Level: University
GravitationFind the weight of a 5.5 slug safe.
Physics Gravitation Level: University
Orbital VelocityWhat are the restrictions on the orbit of a communications satallite it is to appear motionless in the sky as viewed from any location on earth?
Physics Gravitation Level: University
Orbital VelocityWhy does the force of gravity change the speed of a satellite in an elliptical orbit?
Physics Gravitation Level: University
Many people mistakenly belive that astronauts orbit the Earth are above gravity calculate the accsleration due to gravity (g) for space shuttle territory 200 kilometers above Earths surface. Earths mass is 6 x 10 kilograms and its radius is 6.38 x 10 meters ( 6380 kilometers). your answer is what percentage of 9.8 m/s^2?
Physics Gravitation Level: University
Planetory motionCallisto and Io are two jupiter moons. The distance from callisto to the center of jupiter is approximately 4.5 times as far as Io. How does callistos orbital period Tc
Compare to
that of Io Ti?
Tc = 4.5 Ti
Tc = 21 Ti
Tc = 9.5 Ti
Tc = 0.2 Ti
Tc = 2.7 Ti
Physics Gravitation Level: University
Find an expression for gravity in terms of newtons universal gravitational constant G a radius of a planet R the density of a rock hence determining the radius of the planet. He knows that the volume of a sphere is worked out by 4/3 pie R3. On the planet its acceleration due to gravity is 0.113 ms/2 and the density of a rock which worked out the gravity is 2.80 x 10^3 kg m-3 ( the acceleration was worked out by dropping it from 1 metre and timing it (4.2s)