Physics Properties Of Matter Level: Misc Level

An object with a density of 431.0 kg /m 3 and a mass of 859.0 kg is thrown into the ocean. Find the volume that sticks out of the water. (use Psea water =1024 kg / m^ 3)


Physics Properties Of Matter Level: Misc Level

Density of Moon Rock

A geologist finds that a moon rock whose mass is 7.40 kg has an apparent mass of 4.20 kg when submerged in water. What is the density of the rock?


Physics Properties Of Matter Level: Misc Level

A fisherman and his young niece are in a boat on a small pond. Both are wearing life jackets. The niece is holding a large floating helium filled balloon by a string. Consider each action below independently and indicate whether the level of the water in the pond, Rises, Falls, is Unchanged or Can t tell.

True or False - The niece finds a cup and bails some water out of the bottom of the boat

True or False - The fisherman lowers the anchor and it hangs one foot above the bottom of the pond.

True or False -The fisherman lowers himself in the water and floats on his back.

True or False -The niece pops the balloon

True or False -The fisherman knocks the tackle box overboard and it sinks to the bottom.

True or False -The niece gets in the water and pops the floating helium balloon.


Physics Properties Of Matter Level: Misc Level

In scuba diving, a regulator is used so that the pressure of the air the diver breathes is close to that of the ambient water. A reckless swimmer decides to use a hose sticking out of the surface to breathe underwater while diving in a lake .When the air pressure in the lungs is at a pressure of around 0.150 atmospheres below the ambient pressure, lung injury may occur. Find the depth at which the swimmer would experience such a pressure differential.


Physics Properties Of Matter Level: Misc Level

Maximum Load of a Hydraulic Lift

The maximum gauge pressure in a hydraulic lift is 17.7 atm. What is the largest size vehicle (kg) it can lift if the diameter of the output line is 24.7 cm?


Physics Properties Of Matter Level: Misc Level

An evacuated spherical diving bell containing a camera is in the ocean at a depth of 109 m. It has a flat,transparent, circular port with a diameter of 19.7 cm. Find the magnitude of the total force on the port (use r seawater )= 1025 kg /m3).


Physics Properties Of Matter Level: Misc Level

Air Pressure Difference between Top and Bottom a Tower

What is the difference in air pressure between the top and the bottom of the Chrysler Building in New York City? It is 319 m tall and is located at sea level. Express your answer as a fraction of atmospheric pressure at sea level.


Physics Properties Of Matter Level: Misc Level

The four tires of an automobile are inflated to a gauge pressure of 2.09 E+5 Pa.Each tire has an area of 0.0233 m 2 in contact with the ground. Determine the weight of the automobile.


Physics Kinematics Level: Misc Level

Which takes longer to run at constant speed -a 100 m dash or a 100 yard dash? Explain.


Physics Properties Of Matter Level: Misc Level

The average density of the earth is 5.5 g /cm ^3 and its radius averages 6.4 x 10 ^6 meters. Calculate the weight of the planet assuming the earth is spherical and the volume of a sphere is 4 /3 pi r ^3.


Physics Properties Of Matter Level: Misc Level

In 1773, Ben Franklin observed that one teaspoon of oil spilled on a pond near London spread out over an area of about 22,000 square feet.If a teaspoon of oil has a volume of five cubic centimeters and the oil spread out to form a film roughly one molecule tall, what is the average height of an oil molecule?


Physics Properties Of Matter Level: Misc Level

In 1773, Ben Franklin observed that one teaspoon of oil spilled on a pond near London spread out over an area of about 22,000 square feet.If a teaspoon of oil has a volume of five cubic centimeters and the oil spread out to form a film roughly one molecule tall, what is the average height of an oil molecule?


Physics Properties Of Matter Level: Misc Level

The Pacific Ocean has a volume of 6.96189 x 10 ^23 liters and a surface area of 1.66241 x 10 ^11 km ^2. What is the average depth of the Pacific Ocean in meters?


Physics Properties Of Matter Level: Misc Level

The Doppler shift of ultrasonic waves can measure the speed of blood in an artery. If the frequency of the stationary source is 100 kHz and the reflected sound has a Doppler shift of 200 Hz, what is the speed of the blood in the artery ? Speed of sound inside the body is 1500 m/s. The answer is 1.5 m/s.


Physics Waves And Oscillations Level: Misc Level

An object moving in simple harmonic motion has an amplitude of 0.20 m and a maximum acceleration of 40 m /s squared. What is the frequency of the system? The answer is 7.1 Hz.

Displaying 2026-2040 of 6371 results.