Physics Ray Optics Level: High School
Young’s double slit experiment
Young’s double slit apparatus has the still separation of .12mm and the distance between the slits and the viewing screen is 55 cm . If monochromatic light of wavelength = 550*10-9E passes through the slits , Imagine in prob 4 that you are using Xrays of wavelength = 1*10-9Em, instead of visible light . What would the slit separation need to be in order to have the distance between the first two fringes be 1 cm ?
Physics Ray Optics Level: High School
Spherical Mirror
A tarantula of height 2 cm is in front of a spherical mirror whose final length has the absolute value (f) = 40 cm . The tarantula sees an image of itself that has a height of .40 cm and appears upright .a) Is the image real or virtual and is it on the same side of the mirror as the tarantula or the other side ?
b) Is the mirror concave or convex and what is the its focal length , including the correct sign .

Physics Ray Optics Level: High School
Light strikes a glass plate at an angle of incidence of 60 degrees . A measurement shows that the angle between the reflected and refracted beams is 90 degrees with each other . What is the index of refraction of the glass ?
Physics Ray Optics Level: High School
Thin Films
A camera manufacturer wishes to deposit a non-reflective coating onto a glass lens for a wavelength of 550 nm . The index of refraction of the coating material is 1.38 and that of the glass is 1.53. Find the smallest three possible thicknesses for the coating .
Physics Ray Optics Level: High School
Suppose a single slit like the one in the figure at “click here” is 6.00 cm wide and in front of a microwave source operating at 7.5 GHz .a) Calculate the angle subtended by the first minimum in the diffraction pattern .
b) What is the relative I/Imax at theta = 15 degree ?

Physics Ray Optics Level: High School
The diagram at “click here” illustrates Galileo’s original telescope . He used a convex objective-lens with a focal length of 1.7m and a concave eyepiece as illustrated above . When this telescope is focused on an indefinitely distant object , its angular magnification is +3 .a) What is the focal length of the eyepiece ?
b) What is the distance d between the two lenses ?

Physics Ray Optics Level: High School
Thin Films
In the illustration at “click here” , two glass plates have a slight angle between them because a speck of dust props up one edge of the top plate . When illuminated from above with light of wavelength 546 nm, eleven interference fringes are observed (counting from zero at the left edge) .a) Find the height of the dust speck .
b) Find the angle (in degrees) between the plates if their diameters are 2.00 cm .

Physics Ray Optics Level: High School
In the diagram which is shown at “click here” , a ray from a spotlight strikes the surface of a swimming pool at an angle of 70 degree to the normal at a distance 4.00 m from the pool edge . The index of refraction for water is 1.33.a) Find the distance below the surface “Y” that the ray strikes the vertical wall .
b) Find the time between when the ray strikes the water and when it strikes the vertical wall .

Physics Waves And Oscillations Level: High School
Speed Of Waves
a) Find the speed of waves on a violin string of mass 800 mg and length 22.0 cm if the fundamental frequency is 920
b) What is the tension in the string ? For the fundamental , what is the wavelength of (c) the waves on the string and (d) the sound waves emitted by the string ?

Physics Waves And Oscillations Level: High School
Organ Pipe
Organ pipe A , with a both ends open, had a fundamental frequency of 300 Hz . The third harmonic of organ pipe B, with one end open, has the same frequency as the second harmonic of pipe A . How long are (a) pipe A and (b) pipe B ?
Physics Quantum Mechanics Level: High School
What is the magnitude of Lz for an electron in a psi322 hydrogen atom wavefunction ?
Physics Quantum Mechanics Level: High School
For the harmonic oscillator, the average values of the kinetic and potential energies were equal . Calculate
Physics Quantum Mechanics Level: High School
Consider an electron in a 3d orbital in the hydrogen atom .a) Determine the magnitude of the orbital angular momentum .
b) Determine all the angles that the angular momentum vector can make with the z-axis .

Physics Quantum Mechanics Level: High School
Consider a one-dimensional harmonic oscillator . For the classical oscillator , the amplitude is given by . A = Sqrt h/m omega Which is gives the turning point for the classical oscillator. This is the point at which the kinetic energy is zero and the potential energy is a maximum , ie . the particle stops and reverses direction .a) For the ground state wave function , show that its curvature (second derivative) is zero at the classical turning point .
b) Calculate the probability that the particle will be in the classically forbidden region (beyond the turning point) by calculating the probability of finding the particle between the turning point and infinity, A<= x <=infinity for n = 0 and n = 4 .

Physics Quantum Mechanics Level: High School
How much energy is required to remove a 5p electron from a hydrogen atom and leave it infinitely far away with zero kinetic energy ?