Physics Kinematics Level: High School
Two blocks are connected by a lightweight , flexible cord that passes over a frictionless pulley . If m1 is 3.4 kg and m2 is 9.1 kg , and the block 2 is initially at rest 140 cm above the floor , how long does it take block 2 to reach the floor ?Physics Kinematics Level: High School
An airplane lands and starts down the runway at a southwest velocity of 45 m/s . What constant acceleration allows it to come to a stop in 1.4 km ?Physics Gravitation Level: High School
A neutron star (next to final stage in stellar evolution) has a mass M = 3.0 x 10^32 kg . The star collapses to singularity (a block hole ) . Assuming only Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation , where the gravitational force Fg = (G*M*m2) r^2 and using the centripetal force acting upon a body of mass m2, moving in a circular path a Fc = m2v^2/r, and letting v = c, the speed of light , estimate the final radius of collapse of the star .Physics Gravitation Level: High School
A 60 kg geologist stands in Death Valley and measures the acceleration due to gravity at g = 9.82 m/s . Take 6.3 x 10^6 m as her distance from the Earth’s center.a. What is her weight in Death Valley ?
b. This same geologist climbs Mt. Everest to a height of 6 x 10^3m. What is her weight on top of Mt. Everest ?
Physics Force & Laws Of Motion Level: High School
Conservation of momentum
A 1500 kg cannon fires a shell having mass 30 kg , to the right with a velocity of 70 m/s .a. What is the velocity of the cannon ?
b. Assume a stationary cannon , Suppose the cannon shell charge has a total explosive contact time of 0.01 seconds . What is the impulse Force applied to the shell ?
Physics Force & Laws Of Motion Level: High School
A 0.5 kg cue ball with velocity 10 m/s strikes a stationary 8 kg bowling ball, head –on and imparts all of its forward momentum at impact .a. What is the velocity of the bowling ball assuming a perfectly elastic collision ?
b. Suppose the cue ball were replaced by a clay ball . What is the velocity of the combined mass assuming a completely inelastic collision ?
c. If K E is not conserved in inelastic collision where does all the energy go ?
Physics Force & Laws Of Motion Level: High School
A place kicker contacts a 0.35 kg football for delta t = 0.03 seconds .a. If a speed of 5 m/s is imparted to the ball , find the resulting impulse.
b. What is the magnitude for the impulse force ?
Physics Work,Power & Energy Level: High School
A 10 kg block with initial downward velocity of 9 m/s , slides down a rebounding ramp from an initial height , h1 = 30 m and rebound to a height , h2 = 10 m .a. Neglecting friction , assume the mass continues moving upward , what is its speed at the right hand side of the rebound ramp at height h2 ?
b. Assuming friction , suppose the block stops exactly at the height of the right hand rebound point , h2 , How much energy went into friction ?
Physics Work,Power & Energy Level: High School
Suppose a 0.020 kg bullet traveling at 230 m/s strikes a moist clay mud pile and penetrates it to a distance , s = 10 cm . Finda. The total work required to stop the bullet .
b. The force acting on the bullet .
c. Suppose it takes only 0.01 seconds to stop the bullet from (4a) above . What is the stopping power of clay mud ?
Physics Work,Power & Energy Level: High School
A jet with full payload mass of Mj = 25000 kg, initially at rest, accelerates uniformly to the right at a = 4 m/s . If it requires 40 sec to reach take off speed , find .a. The KE of the jet.
b. At take off the jet fires a missile of mass = 1000 kg with v = 300 m/s in the same direction . Find KE of the missile .
c. Find the liner momentum of the jet at takeoff.
d. Find the momentum , of the missile.
e. Find the jet liner momentum , after firing the missile .
Physics Work,Power & Energy Level: High School
A 10 kg object is pushed horizontally along the floor from rest until a speed of 30 m/s is obtained .a. What is “a” at a distance s = 6m.
b. Compute the work (KE) done on the mass.
c. Compute the force , F , developed as a result of (a) and (b) above.
d. Suppose the object was pushed downward at an angle of 30 degrees with respect to the horizontal . Compute the work done on the mass .
Physics Force & Laws Of Motion Level: High School
A 100 g ball on a 60 cm long string in swung in a vertical circle about a point 200 cm above the floor . The string suddenly breaks when it is parallel to the ground and the ball is moving upward . The ball reaches a height 600 cm above the floor ?What was the tension in the string an instant before it broke ?
Physics Force & Laws Of Motion Level: High School
Find the expression for the magnitude of the horizontal force F for which m1 dies not slip either up or down along the wedge . All surface are frictionless .Physics Force & Laws Of Motion Level: High School
A helicopter is to lift a 592 kg magnesium frame at a construction site , as shown in the figure at “click here” . As the helicopter accelerates upward at 0.165 g , What is the magnitude of the tension FT in the cord ?Physics Force & Laws Of Motion Level: High School
Suppose the pulley in the figure at “click here” is suspended by a cord C . m1= 1.05 kg and m2 = 3.29 kg .Determine the tension in this cord after the mass is released and before it hits the ground . Ignore the mass of the pulley .