Physics Electrostatics Level: High School
What is the escape speed of an electron launched from the surface of a 1.00 cm diameter plastic sphere that has been charged to 10.0 nC ?Physics Electrostatics Level: High School
What is the electric potential at point A, the centre of the triangle of charges shown in the figure at "click here".Physics Electrostatics Level: High School
A proton with an initial speed of 8.00 x 10^5 m/s is brought to rest by an electric field .a) Did the proton move into a region of higher potential or lower potential ?
b) What was the potential difference that stopped the proton ?
Physics Electrostatics Level: High School
The electric field strength is 2.00 x 10^4 N/C inside a parallel- plate capacitor with 1.00 mm spacing . An electron is released from rest from the negative plate . What is the electron's speed when it reaches the positive plate ?Physics Electrostatics Level: High School
Wire A and B are made of the same material , but the radius of wire A is twice that of wire B . If the same current flows in wires A and B , how much bigger/smaller are the following quantities in wire A compared with wire B: electric field , electron flow , current density ?Physics Force & Laws Of Motion Level: High School
Two boxes , ml = 1.0 kg with a coefficient of kinetic friction of 0.10 , and m2 = 2.0 kg with a coefficient of 0.20 , are placed on a Plane inclined at theta = 30 degrees .(a)what acceleration does each block experience ?
(b) if a taut string is connected to the blocks, with m2 initially farther down the slope , what is the acceleration of each block ?
(c) if the initial configuration is reversed with ml starting lower with a taut string , what is the acceleration of each block ?
Physics Force & Laws Of Motion Level: High School
A 75 kg person stands on a scale in an elevator . What does the scale read ( in N and kg) when the elevator is(a) at rest
(b) ascending at constant speed of 3.0 m/s
(c) falling at 3.0 m/s
(d) accelerating upward at 3.0 m/s2 (s2 means a square)
(e) accelerating downward at 3.0 m/s2 (s2 means a square)
Physics Force & Laws Of Motion Level: High School
A ski slope is 1.2 kilometers long and is inclined at 13 degrees from the horizontal . A person begins at the top of the slope (assumed to be smooth) and accelerates down wards . Find the time it takes for the person to travel to slope .Physics Force & Laws Of Motion Level: High School
A child is pushing a box of mass 6 kg up a smooth inclined plane which is at an angle 17 degrees to the horizontal . The box is pushed parallel to the plane , and its acceleration is 0.7 m/s2 . Find the force between the plane and the box .Physics Force & Laws Of Motion Level: High School
A ball of mass 1.6 kilogram is projected with a velocity 19.5 m/s in a direction 30.7 degrees from the horizontal . The acceleration due to gravity is g = 9.81 m/s2 . What is the force acting on the ball the moment it is projected (in Newton's) ?Physics Force & Laws Of Motion Level: High School
A bucket of water which weighs 10.7 Newton's is pulled vertically using two forces . The first of magnitude 8.6 Newton's acts at an angle 59 degrees from the vertical . The second acts at an angle 18 degrees from the vertical . Find the net force acting on the bucket (due to the forces and the weight) in Newton'sPhysics Force & Laws Of Motion Level: High School
A child is pulling a box of mass 3.7 kg , along a smooth horizontal surface using a rope tide to it . The rope bears an angle 14.62 degrees above the horizontal . If the velocity of the box is 14.93 m/s and its acceleration is 0.2 m/s2 find the force between the box and the floor ( g = 9.81 m/s2Physics Electrostatics Level: High School
A 10.0 uF capacitor is charged to 25.0 V . It is then connected in series with an uncharged 4.00 uF capacitor. The series combination is finally connected to a 60 V battery.a) What is the new potential difference across the 10.0 uF capacitor ?
b) What is the charge on the 4.00 uF capacitor ?
Physics Electrostatics Level: High School
Three capacitors of 8 uF , 6 uF and 10 uF are connected in series . when the series arrangement was charged by being attached to a voltage supply , the voltage across the 6 uF capacitor was 5.0 V .a) What was the supply voltage ?
b) What was the energy stored in the series capacitor circuit ?
Physics Electrostatics Level: High School
A parallel plate capacitor has a plate area of 126 square centimeters and a plate separation of 0.58 mm . Half the area between the plates is filled with Teflon . The other half is filled with air .a) When 20 V is applied , what is the charge on this capacitor ?
b) What is the maximum voltage that can be applied to the capacitor ?