Physics Properties Of Matter Level: Misc Level
A tube carries water on the level in a nonturbulent flow condittion .The flow, F, is 0.17. 10-4 m3/s. What is the velocity of the water in m/s when it crosses a part of the tube which has a diameter, D,of 5.3 cm?
Physics Properties Of Matter Level: Misc Level
How much force (in Newtons ) does it take to hold a 55 kg man completely under water in the ocean ? His density is 929 kg/m3, and the specific gravity of sea water is 1.07.
Physics Properties Of Matter Level: Misc Level
A pice of moon rock reads 20.8 grams on a scale when in air, but 9.4 grams in alcohol (specific gravity=0.79).What is the density of the moon rock in kg/m3?
Physics Properties Of Matter Level: Misc Level
A syringe with a plunger of diameter 1.8 cm is attached to a hypodermic needle with a diameter of 2.6 mm.What minimum force (in N) must be applied to the plunger to inject into a vein where the pressure is 13 torr above atmospheric pressure.
Physics Properties Of Matter Level: Misc Level
What is the change in volume (in cubic meter )of a quantity of sea water at a depth of 1040 m, if its volume was 1 cubic meter at the ocean surface?
Hint: The density of sea water is 1070 kg/m3, and the bulk modulus is 2.3 109 N/m2. Dont forget the sign!
Physics Properties Of Matter Level: Misc Level
A mass of 40 kg is suspended from a steel wire of diameter 1.9mm and length 1 m.How much does the wire strech in mm? Young ,s modulus for steel is 2.0 x 1011 N/m2.
Physics Wave Optics Level: Misc Level
Consider an oil film ( n=1.50) on water (n =1.33) and light of wavelength 600nm in air incident on the film .The minimum film thickness for constructive interfence of the light in the air is:
Physics Wave Optics Level: Misc Level
Consider two diffraction gratings with the same slit separation, the only difference being that one grating has 3 slits and the other 4slits. If both gratings are illuminated with a beam of the same monochromatic light.
Physics Ray Optics Level: Misc Level
We have seen that two monochromatic light waves can interfere constructively of destructively ,depending on their phase differce. One consequence of this phenomena is:
Physics Ray Optics Level: Misc Level
A convex lens is placed on a flat grass plate and illuminated from above with monochromatic red light.When viewed from above, concentric bands of rd and dark are observed. What does one observe at the exact center of the lens where the lens and glass plate are in direct contact?
Physics Ray Optics Level: Misc Level
The property of light by which it blends around small objects if called:
Physics Wave Optics Level: Misc Level
The index of refraction of diamond is 2.42. This means that a given wavelenght of light travels:
Physics Wave Optics Level: Misc Level
For a beam of light, the direction of polarization is defined as:
Physics Wave Optics Level: Misc Level
Assuming that R is the wavelength of liquid in oil, for an oil film on water, constructive interference occurs with the minimum film thickness of:
Physics Units Level: Misc Level
Which of the following would correctly convert a Fahrenheit temperature (F) to a Kelvin (K) value?