Physics Vectors Level: Misc Level
A grasshopper makes four jumps. The displacement vectors are (1)27.0 cm, due west: (2) 23.0 cm ,35.0 degrees south of west: (3) 28.0 cm, 55,0 degrees south of east: and (4) 35.0 cm, 63,0 degrees north of east. Find the magnitude and direction of the resultant displacement. Express the direction with respect to due west.
Physics Ray Optics Level: Misc Level
A certain metel surface emits electrons when lightis shone on it.(a) How can the number of electrons per second be increased?(b) How can the energies of the electrons be increased?
Physics Ray Optics Level: Misc Level
If 1 kg of radium (half-life= 1600 years) is sealed into a container, how much of it willremain as radium after 1600 years? After 4800 years? If the container is opened after a period of time , what would you expect to find inside it?
Physics Ray Optics Level: Misc Level
If 1 kg of radium (half-life= 1600 years) is sealed into a container, how much of it willremain as radium after 1600 years? After 4800 years? If the container is opened after a period of time , what would you expect to find inside it?
Physics Ray Optics Level: Misc Level
If 1 kg of radium (half-life= 1600 years) is sealed into a container, how much of it willremain as radium after 1600 years? After 4800 years? If the container is opened after a period of time , what would you expect to find inside it?
Physics Ray Optics Level: Misc Level
Whic is solid at room temperature? Na2SO4, NO2, CCI4,H2S.
Physics Waves And Oscillations Level: Misc Level
Sound travels around 340 m/s in air. In a bat squeaks and hears the echo of its squeak return to it 6 seconds later, how far away is the insect which the bat's squeak encounters? Show calculations
Physics Waves And Oscillations Level: Misc Level
No matter what the temperature of the air, the frequency produced by the tuning fork remains the same.Would the wavelength produced by the tuning fork be longer in dry air or in moist air? Explain the reason for the answer.
Physics Ray Optics Level: Misc Level
Why are polaroid glasses which are good for blocking out glare, not recommended for viewing the sun during a solar eclipse?
Physics Waves And Oscillations Level: Misc Level
Dogs cool their bodies by sticking their tongues and panting, which causes saliva in their mouth and respiratory system to evaporate, The normal breathing rate of a dog is abut 30 breaths a minute.The respiratory system of a medium sized dog has a resonance frequency of about 5 Hz
A) In breaths per minute, how fast would a dog be breathing if it were to pant at the natural resonance frequency of its respiratory system?
Physics Wave Optics Level: Misc Level
If white light on a pigment that absorbs magenta light, what color will the reflected light appear? (A) yellow (B) cyan (C) green (D) black
Physics Wave Optics Level: Misc Level
Gaussian pulses at a wavelength of 1310 nm traveling through a dispersive media of length L=5 km are each broadened by 5 nanoseconds. What is the maximum data rate that can be transmitted through this material for such pulses?
Physics Semiconductors Level: Misc Level
The near- field distribution at the facet of an InGaAsP semiconductor laser is modeled as a Gaussian distribution with wo =3 um perpendicular to the junction and wo =6 um parallel to the junction.The free space wavelength of the semiconductor laser is 1400 nm. Estimate the far- field beam divergence i) perpendicular and ii) parallel to the junction of the laser.
Physics Wave Optics Level: Misc Level
A fiber has an optical loss of 0.2 dB/km. What is the optical loss of a 50 km length of this fiber in units of dBs?If 1 mW of optical power at a wavelength of I=1550 nm is coupled into this fiber, what will the output power be after 100 km?
Physics Wave Optics Level: Misc Level
Consider a symmetric slab waveguide (or a circular step- index fiber waveguide). If all parameters are held constant except the index of refraction difference between the core and the cladding increases, will the fraction of the energy (of the fundamental propagating mode) in the cladding regions increase, decrease, or remain the same? Explain your answer in detail.