Physics Waves And Oscillations Level: Misc Level
Explain the difference between the speed of a transverse wave traveling down a rope and the speed of a tiny piece of the rope
Physics Rotational Mechanics Level: Misc Level
Jeff weighs 240 N sits alone on outer edge turning at 30 rpm. if he sits in the center how fast will the merry go round go?
Physics Rotational Mechanics Level: Misc Level
Suppose 3 rd kid hops on and all sit on outer edge: what is rotational inertia of loaded merry go round?
Physics Rotational Mechanics Level: Misc Level
If the merry go round has a rotational inertia of 20 kg m^2 what is its rotational acceleration?
Physics Rotational Mechanics Level: Misc Level
A seesaw is 4 m long and pivots in the middle: Sally weighs 240 N and sits at one end ( on the ground ) while suzi who weighs 160 N sits on the other end : billy a friend comes a long weighing 120 N :where should billy sit to balance the seesaw?
Physics Simple Machines Level: Misc Level
A crowbar is basucally a lever, with two inch long nail remover connected to a 15 inch handle, If you push down on the handle end with force of 50 N what force is available to remove nail?
Physics Rotational Mechanics Level: Misc Level
You need to open a heavy door that is 30 inches wide.You push near the edge that is farthest from the hinges. If you had pushed at point 10 inches in from the hinges: how much harder would you have to push to open the door at the same speed. Why?
Physics Rotational Mechanics Level: Misc Level
Suppose a revolving door at the mall is spinning around once every 4 seconds. As you walk through, you push on the door for 3 seconds, which increases the rotationl speed so that it rotates once per second. what is the rotatinal acceleration due to the push?
Physics Gravitation Level: Misc Level
A typical GPS (Global Positioning System ) satellite orbits at an altitude of 3.4 x 10 7 m.( Astronomical data needed for this problem can be found on the inside back cover of the text.)
(a) Find the orbital period of such a satellite.22 hours
(b) Find the orbital speed of such a satellite.----- km/s
Physics Gravitation Level: Misc Level
The acceleration of gravity on the surface mars is know to be about 1/3 the acceleration of gravity on the Earth.Given that the radius of mars is roughly 1/2 that of the Earth, find the mass of mars in terms of the mass of the Earth. X M Earth
Physics Gravitation Level: Misc Level
a) Find the acceleration of gravity on the surface of Neptune.
(b) Find the acceleration of gravity on the surface of Jupiter.
m /s 2
Physics Electromagnetic Waves Level: Misc Level
A black body at 0 C has a surface area of 35 cm squared. Determine the rate at which energy is emitted by the object.
Physics Kinetic Theory Of Gases Level: Misc Level
Suppose that the molecules of a gas actually have five degrees of freedon rather than three. Determine the average molecular kinetic energy of such a gas at 300 C.
Physics Properties Of Matter Level: Misc Level
What temp would nitrogen gas molecules possess an rms speed of 25.0 m/s ?
Physics Properties Of Matter Level: Misc Level
A ideal gas undergoes a process which increases its temp from 20 C to 89 C while increasing its gauge pressure from 0.00 atm to 4.78 a t m .If the volume of the gas at the end of the process is 317 cm cubed, find the inittial volume.