Physics Properties Of Matter Level: Misc Level

Suppose that heat energy is being supplied to a section of an ice covered road by the sun at the rate of 25.0 kw. How much ice at 0 C can be melted in one hour?


Physics Properties Of Matter Level: Misc Level

55. 0 g of H2O at 10 Care mixed with 75.0 g of H2O in a 137 g copper cup ( c =.093 cal /gC) at 20 C. Determine the final temperature of the system at equilibrium.


Physics Force & Laws Of Motion Level: Misc Level

A 365 Ib crate 1. 26 ft high with a squared base 1.00 ft on each side is subjected to a shear force of 25.5 Ib. Find the shear stress on the crate.


Physics Units Level: Misc Level

Find the linear equation that expresses temperature in degrees Celsius as a function of temperature in degrees Fahrenheit.


Physics Units Level: Misc Level

Find the linear equation that expresses temperature in degrees Fahrenheit as a function of temperature in degrees Celsius.


Physics Units Level: Misc Level

There is formula that converts temperature in degrees Celsius to temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. You are given the following data points:

Fahrenheit Celsius

Freezing point of water 32 0

Boiling point of water 212 100


Physics Electromagnetic Waves Level: Misc Level

A ray of light passes from one medium to another. The angle between the path of the ray in the second medium and the normal is the angle of?

Deviation, incidence, reflection, refraction


Physics Electromagnetic Waves Level: Misc Level

At what distance from a light rated at 160 Candelas would there be an illumination of 0.1 ft -c. ?

4 ft, 16 ft, 40 ft, or 127 ft


Physics Electrostatics Level: Misc Level

What is the rule of electrical charges?

A. All electrical charges are attached to one another.

B. Unlike charges repel each other.

C. Like charges repel each other.

D. For each negative charge a positive charge must accompany it.


Physics Electromagnetic Waves Level: Misc Level

A light meter placed 4 ft. from a lamp rated at 70 candelas will indicate an illumination of?

A. 4.375 ft-c

B. 17.5 ft-c

C. 280 ft-c

D. 1120 ft-c


Physics Electromagnetic Waves Level: Misc Level

The radio" FM " means?

Field modulation.

Florilegium modulation

Frequency modulation

Force modulation


Physics Electromagnetic Waves Level: Misc Level

A body through which light passes almost undisturbed is called?


Physics Waves And Oscillations Level: Misc Level

The number of vibrations of a body per unit of time is called?


Physics Waves And Oscillations Level: Misc Level

If a tuning fork vibrates at a frequency of 275 cps and the sound vibrations given off by it have a wavelength of 3.95 ft. the velocity of the sound wave is?

69.9 fps, 838.8 fps, 489.3 fps, 1086.3 fps


Physics Current Electricity Level: Misc Level

If the resistance arms of a Wheatstone bridge are R 1 = 10 ohms, R 2 = 1000 ohms and the rheostat arm has a resistance of R 3 = 500 ohms, the unknown resistance R will be?

.0013, 5 ohms, 50 ohms, or 1.67 ohms.

Displaying 2176-2190 of 6371 results.